Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For Sale, Not Quite Everywhere

Amazon doesn't quite believe I am who I say I am. So that's taking forever. Other locations also taking forever for one reason or another.

 But, and this is a good but, you can find See Megan Run at Smashwords here and at Barnes and Noble (Nook)here. *insert sales pitch here* *insert I'll appreciate any review plea here* I'm off to attack How Much You Want To Bet? Got to fix the cover and ya know enter formatting of doom.

 ETA: I like to think Amazon read this post and hopped to it. But I doubt it. You can now buy this title on Amazon.

 ETA: This should let you know I'm rusty at this selling books stuff. I forgot the blurbage:

Megan Hazely hasn't taken a vacation in quite some time. Unfortunately, her first day off is spent being emotionally blackmailed by her mother to come home for a month. Not a big problem.

Ok. A huge problem, and then there’s Aiden Blake, Megan’s ex-boyfriend. The boy she loved has become a man. Time hasn’t lessened the spark between them, a spark that should have died the day she hitchhiked out of her small town.

Just like old times, better than old times Megan begins to succumb and fall hard, again, for Aiden. This will not do. 

Now home, again, Megan must deal with the troubles she left behind twelve years ago, and somehow leave again with her heart intact.

A rock and a hard place has nothing on her.

RELEASE WEEKEND SALE: Priced at $0.99 until Sunday midnight.